Outdoor dining district gets first Columbus approval

Most of downtown Columbus would be open for outdoor dining and drinking at restaurants and other locales under a proposal being considered by the City Council.

The Council gave its first consideration last night to an ordinance establishing a downtown outdoor refreshment area, or DORA, that would stretch from 11th to 1st Streets and the river east to include Franklin Street, the public library and the area around the new Taylor apartments off of Second Street.

Under the proposal, businesses and vendors would have to apply to take part in the social area and would have to follow state and local laws. The social area would be open year round and from 10 a.m. in the morning to midnight.

Many local restaurants have already submitted completed applications to take part and several restaurant owners spoke in favor of the ordinance.

The new ordinance also outlines locations where food and beverage vendors can operate in the downtown area.

The City Council approved an amendment to change the boundaries slightly before voting to give their first approval to the amended ordinance last night and it will be up for a vote again at their Sept. 3rd meeting.

Map provided by city of Columbus.