Jeremy Allen White Will Try To Do His Own Singing In Bruce Springsteen Film

Jeremy Allen White says he’ll try to do his own singing for the upcoming Bruce Springsteen biopic, Deliver Me From Nowhere. “We’re gonna try. We’re gonna try our best,” he told Variety this week.  The movie, directed and written by Scott Cooper (Crazy Heart), follows the creation of Springsteen’s influential album Nebraska, inspired by Warren Zanes’ 2023 biography, Deliver Me From Nowhere: The Making of Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska. Allen says he’s still figuring out the role, and hasn’t met The Boss yet. “We’ve still got a few things, we’ve got some timing stuff to work out, and I’m trying to have a bit of my own process with it before meeting the man, too,” he explained. “I wanna try to have an understanding, so when I meet him, I’ll have a bit of confidence somewhere in me to stand there.” (COS)

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