Northern Indiana Poised to Kickoff Harvest Season With Excellent Weather Window



Harvest should get off to a good start in Northern Indiana this weekend for fields that are ready to go. Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin kicks off our weekly Seed Genetics Direct Harvest Weather Forecast campaign today. He says to expect sunshine and blue skies from I-70 north this weekend.

“We are also looking at humidity values creeping up just a little bit, but I don’t think it’s going to be too much, so not many problems in Northern Indiana. Now, the remains of Francine hold on through Friday and into early Saturday in Southern Indiana, especially Southwest Indiana. We might even see another round of moisture pop up in southern tier counties on Sunday as Francine dies down and goes away.”

Next week looks to be very warm and very humid statewide.

“I’m looking for us mostly to be rain free across the Hoosier State Monday through Friday,” Martin explains. “We are watching a little bit of tropical moisture come through the Carolinas and making a run at Ohio later in the midweek timeframe. I don’t think that throws anything more than a few clouds our direction here. So, I’m looking still at a wide-open harvest window Monday through Friday of next week.”

In Martin’s extended forecast, he’s watching a big cluster of showers and thunderstorms to our west over Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois.

“This is a multi-day cluster of shower and thunderstorm activity that’s coming together, and I think it will try and move eastward, but likely not until later the 22nd and maybe into early the start of the week of the 23rd. So, we’re going to be watching that when it comes. I think it has potential to bring us anywhere from half to maybe two inches of rain, but it’s just lurking to the west right now. It’s not an imminent threat.”
