Conservation officers urge water safety as summer heats up

As we head into the summer season, Indiana Conservation officers are urging Hoosiers to be safe on and in the water.

According to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, says you should make water safety a priority and discuss water safety and dangers with friends and family members before you head out for fun. Conservation officers offer several safety tips. Those include:

  • Make sure to tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
  • When you head out, go with a buddy.
  • Do not venture onto flooded or fast-moving waterways.
  • Keep an extra watchful eye out for children around water.
  • Avoid alcohol when you are on or in the water.

They are also stressing that it is illegal to operate a a motorboat or personal watercraft in Indiana while you are intoxicated whether from alcohol or drugs. In Indiana, intoxicated boating involves a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or greater.

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