CRH urges you to protect yourself during flu season

As we head into flu season, Columbus Regional Health is urging you to take steps to keep yourself healthy, including getting a flu vaccine.

According to the local health system, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that anyone older than 6 months get an annual flu vaccine.

That is especially important if you have health conditions that make you especially vulnerable to serious or dangerous cases of the flu, or if you live with someone who is vulnerable. Those under a high risk include children younger than 5 years, pregnant women, people 65 years and older, and people with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart and lung disease.

The vaccine is also recommended if have an infant younger than six months in the home, as they can not get vaccinated.

The composition of each year’s flu vaccine is updated to protect you against the flu viruses that are expected to circulate. With more than one flu vaccine available, you should talk with your healthcare provider about which option is best for you.

You can get more information on avoiding the flu here: