Heat wave continues with 100+ degree heat indexes

The dangerously high heat is continuing today. According to the National Weather Service, a heat advisory is in effect from 11 to 8 today.

With actual temperatures in the mid 90s, the heat index is expected to reach up to 107 in parts of our area. Forecasters say that you should take extra precautions if you are going to be outside. You should try to limit strenuous activities to the early morning or evening. Drink plenty of fluids and wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.

You should also check in on relatives and neighbors who might be struggling in the heat.

The weather service says that yesterday’s high of 94 in Indianapolis was the highest so far this year. Terre Haute hit 97, the hottest day in five years.

Bartholomew County emergency officials say that there are several cooling stations around the community open so you can get out of the heat.

The city of Columbus has a cooling station open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Friday at Donner Center on 22nd Street.

The city says animals will also be allowed to cool off at Donner Center with their owners and crates will be available.

The Bartholomew County Public Library branches can also be used to cool off. The main branch on Fifth Street is open from 9 until 8 today. The Hope branch is open from 10 to 5 today.

A cooling station is a place where those who don’t have air conditioning can go to cool off. Food, showers, and sleeping areas are not available.