Historical society seeking donations of Bartholomew County artifacts
The Bartholomew County Historical Society is looking for donations of historic artifacts to add to its collection.
According to the society, this month is being dedicated to increasing the museum’s collection in certain areas of interest.
The historical society already has more than 80,000 items in its care, including photos, memorabilia, clothing, paintings and other items. The society wants to direct the donation of new items into certain areas where it is currently lacking. Among the areas where it is seeking donations include:
- The history of Cosco
- The 1970s and newer
- Black and minority group history
- Immigration to the county
- Rural history
- History of fire and police departments in the county.
- Civil War artifacts
- Architectural salvage
- The histories of Hope, Elizabethtown and Hartsville
- County military history.
- Historic photographs
- Scrapbooks
- Newer photographs of Local Families and Areas,
- Local merchandising & advertisement
- Stephen Sprouse
If you have items you would like to donate, you can contact Jared Anderson, the collections manager and curator at 812-372-3541 or by email at [email protected] Or you can stop by the museum, Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.