Lauer’s Safe Baby Courts bill gets ceremonial signing

A local legislator’s bill aimed at helping abused or neglected children younger than three had a ceremonial signing by Gov. Eric Holcomb recently.

Although the bill went into effect July 1st, the governor held the signing ceremony last week for Columbus Rep. Ryan Lauer’s bill launching problem solving courts aimed at helping the youngest children. The court is meant to oversee cases involving children in need of services cases and help expedite their resolution.

According to Court Appointed Special Advocates, about one-third of children in foster care nationally are younger than 5, and babies are least likely among all age groups to exit foster care within a six-month period.

Lauer said that under the new law establishing Safe Baby Courts, “Indiana’s courts have a new tool to expedite the process while focusing more on these families to help get them back on track.”

Lauer said Safe Baby Courts can help advance proceedings and connect families to community services and support to reduce the long-term effects of children being in foster care, and prevent the recurrence of abuse or neglect.

Indiana already offers problem solving courts for drug addiction, mental health and veterans.

Photo courtesy of Rep. Ryan Lauer. Gov. Eric Holcomb ceremonially signs State Rep. Ryan Lauer’s (R-Columbus) law to provide a new problem-solving court focused on children in need of services cases on Thursday at the Statehouse. Seated, from left Lauer, Holcomb and State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford), a sponsor of the new law.