Rezoning to bring more industrial property for development
Bartholomew County officials have signed off on a plan to rezone just over 68 acres near Taylorsville to allow for more industrial development in the area.
County Commissioners this week gave their final approval to the request to rezone the property on the north side of County Road 650N near the U.S. 31 intersection and along Interstate 65 from agricultural use to general industrial zoning. The general industrial zoning will allow for a range of uses including production, assembly, warehousing, research and development and similar uses.
Jeff Bergman, planning director for the city and county, said the long-range plan for the county already calls for the area to be used for future industrial development. The county board of zoning appeals previously recommended unanimously that the rezoning be approved. The board required the condition that future development include landscaping buffers for nearby residences and other neighboring properties such as the interstate.
The property is owned by Harold Force, via Force Holdings.