Seymour sees success in speeding crackdown

The Seymour Police Department says that it has been cracking down on speeders and unsafe drivers, especially in school zones.

According to the department, over three recent days, the department deployed vehicle speed enforcement teams for just over 17 hours in total. In those 17 hours, they made 339 traffic stops resulting in 340 warnings, 49 citations, and 14 arrests made. Some motorists received more than one warning after other traffic violations were noticed by police.

The department says that the enforcement addressed concerns from the community about speeders along the South Burkart Boulevard bypass area, and around Redding Elementary School on North Ewing Street.

Police say that the goal is to increase safety awareness of motorists who travel these areas. They urge drivers to slow down and to pay attention while on the road to help increase the safety of schoolchildren, motorists, pedestrians and the public.