West Nile Virus Found in Bartholomew County
West Nile Virus has been found in Bartholomew County.
According to the Bartholomew County Health Department, Mosquitos collected in Bartholomew County have tested positive for the disease. This is the first time this year that a positive test has been reported in Bartholomew County. The Health Department will be concentrating their mosquito vector control efforts in the areas the West Nile Virus activity has been detected.
The Health Department is asking the public to take special precautions when enjoying the outdoors between dusk and dawn, when mosquitos are the most active.
Make sure your property is free from any standing water, which could be breeding grounds for mosquitos. Be sure to check flower pots, buckets, animal water bowls, and clogged gutters.
Use insect repellant containing DEET. Check the label of the product to be sure.
If your home has any sewer issues with standing waste water, home owners should repair all septic systems to avoid West Nile infected mosquitos.
West Nile Virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitos that have been bitten by infected birds.
Someone who may have been infected by a mosquito may show symptoms 3-15 days following the bite.
Some symptoms of West Nile Virus include high fever, headache, stiff neck, muscle weakness or paralysis, and confusion.