BCSC sets plan for property tax hike proposal campaign

Now that the Bartholomew Consolidated School Board has approved a referendum to address teacher and staff pay, the school district will begin making its case to the public.

The referendum would add just over 15 and a half cents per $100 to local property taxes. School officials estimate that the proposal would add $7 dollars and 79 cents a month to the property taxes of the average home owner in the district. Nearly 87 percent of the new revenue would go to add pay boosts for teachers and support staff, with the remaining 13 percent going to school security measures.

The issue will appear on the May primary election ballot.

We talked recently with Dr. Jim Roberts, superintendent of the school district on the restrictions the school administration faces in making those points to the public.

Roberts said that  said there are only three school district employees allowed to campaign for the referendum during the school day including himself and his two assistant superintendents.

Under state law, all other school district employees are prohibited from advocating for the referendum while at work.

BCSC has scheduled a series of public information sessions on the referendum to give out details and to answer questions from residents. The first is set for Thursday, Feb 6th at Taylorsville Elementary starting at 6 p.m.

Other upcoming public information sessions include:

  • Thursday, Feb. 20, 6 p.m.  at Columbus North High School
  • Thursday, Feb. 27, 6 p.m.  at Rockcreek Elementary
  • Tuesday, March 24, 6 p.m.  at Mt. Healthy Elementary
  • Tuesday, March 31, 6 p.m.  M at Central Middle School

You can get more information on the referendum on the BCSC website at bcsc.k12.in.us.