County buildings to see assessment of conditions

Bartholomew County will be looking into the condition of the county courthouse and county governmental office building in the hopes of anticipating future repair expenses.

The Bartholomew County Commissioners approved a contract with the DLZ Indiana engineering firm Monday to conduct the assessment of the buildings at a cost not to exceed $10,000.

County Commissioner Larry Kleinhenz said that the commissioners are especially concerned with the condition of the county courthouse considering its age and prominence in the community. But the components require special skills to inspect and the county is looking to DLZ to perform a life-cyle analysis of the structure looking at the limestone, bricking, windows and roof.

The company will give a report in 60 days on the current conditions of the components and the expected life span of the materials, or whether they already need replaced.

Kleinhenz said he has personally been concerned about the condition of the limestone. About 25 years ago, the county performed a veneer replacement of some of the limestone, but he believes more work will be needed soon. He said he suspects the results of the study will show the need for a renovation project in 2025.