Saturday hours being added to early voting this week

Early voting continues this week ahead of the May 7th primary election, with the addition of voting places on Saturday in Bartholomew County.

You can vote early from 8 to 5 on weekdays at Donner Center. There will be early voting this Saturday and May 4th. You can vote on those Saturdays at Donner Center and at the Bartholomew County Governmental office Building on Third Street from 8 to 3.

Unlike recent elections, there will be no early voting this election at Nexus Park or at the Bartholomew County Courthouse.

Early voting wraps up at noon on May 6th with election day from 6 to 6 on Tuesday, May 7th at 14 voting centers around Bartholomew County.

Bartholomew County Republican voters will be making choices in the race for County Commissioner District 1 and in the at-large seats for the Bartholomew County Council. In the commissioners races, long-time County Commissioner Larry Kleinhenz has a challenge from Rick Miller in the Republican primary.

None of the three current at-large members of the County Council filed for re-election. Four new Republicans did file for the County Council seats: Michael R. Bell, Kim Bennett, John Prohaska and Marcus D. Speer.