Vietnam War Memorial replica coming to Jackson County

A mobile Vietnam War Memorial replica wall will be coming to Jackson County next month.

The Wall that Heals will be displayed at the Jackson County Fairgrounds from August 10th to the 13th. The display includes a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and a mobile education center mean to educate the public about the history of the war.

There will be a parade to escort the display into the community starting on U.S. 50 at the Tractor Supply store in Seymour and then through Brownstown to the fairgrounds on August 8th.

The display is being sponsored by American Legion Post 89 in Seymour and VFW posts 1925 in Seymour and 1083 in Crothersville.

Organizers say that volunteers are needed for setting up the display, operating it 24 hours a day and taking it down at the end. Entries are also needed for the parade to the fairgrounds. If you would like to volunteer you can email [email protected]  or by calling 812-524-1617.

You can make a donation at:

Jackson County Wall That Heals
c/o JCB Trust Dept.
PO Box 1001
Seymour, IN 47274