Weather service warns to take extra precautions tonight

The National Weather Service is urging you to take extra precautions with tonight’s severe weather. The agency warns that the fast moving storms, with the overnight timing and the unusual time of year could make this an exceptionally dangerous weather event.

The agency suggests that you make a plan with your family and prepare tonight before heading to bed. You should plug in and test your weather radio, putting in fresh batteries if needed. You should also be sure to take your cell phone off of Do Not Disturb before going to bed.

When you have identified a shelter location in your home, you should make sure to have a pair of sturdy shoes and socks in the shelter space, plus an extra set of clothes for everyone.

Bartholomew County Emergency Management is warning that these storms will be fast-moving at 55 to 65 mph. Your could have shortened notification times tonight because of that speed. You could see wind speeds of 90 mph tonight.